Our Corporate Governance distance learning course for the CGIUKI Qualifying Programme provides tutor support, our concise course notes, mock exams, and guidance on exam technique to help you succeed. Gain the confidence and skills you need with a friendly, supportive learning experience.
Included: tutor support, mock exam marking, our course study notes, audio lectures, and additional resources.
Course Tutor: Madeleine Cordes
You need to buy the official Institute study text from the CGIUKI bookshop. We will send printed notes to UK students but everything is also available online.
Thank you very much for the support and guidance provided by Madeleine in the past months. I'm truly grateful for her time and kindness throughout the process.
The course content is excellent and I am really enjoying it, maybe too much because I am spending quite some time with the resources, considering them, applying them and learning them as much as I can.